Its a good game for killing time and such. Ild recommend it to others however, it could use some improvements. These include making it so when you move over allied territory, you dont capture it. That would really reduce border-gore. As well, I dont understand why certain cities are in the completely wrong place. To me, the most glaring example is Bratislava which is located in modern day Croatia, it should be in Slovakia. As well, unit types arent accurate for the time period such as Armoured Cars. Diplomatic options should be allowed such as changing sides or making peace with one or more of your opponents. Another features that should be added to the game is the ability to stack troops, which would make the late game much more playable. Another useful addition would be to make troops automatically move towards the frontline so you dont need to be moving 100+ troops in the late game. As well, unique general sprites should be added some of the North African countries in order not to have them have North American Natives generals. My final recommendation is a change to the dimensions of the map. Each theatre of war should have an identical map for all the start dates.
Utudyrduytdu about European War 4: Napoleon, v1.4.1